
V. Uluslararası Kapadokya Sosyal Bilimler Öğrenci Kongresi

Proceedings Guidelines

Proceedings Guidelines

1- Proceedings must be written in MS Word (docx) format and must be at least 350 words. 

2- Proceedings titles must be written in 12-point, in uppercase, and bold.

3- Proceedings must be written in 12-point, Times New Roman font, with a 1,5-line spacing.

4- First degree writer must be the applicant student. Second degree writer may be the advisor of the applicant student or another student. Proceedings and the presentations must be written in the same language. 

5- Applicants may submit two proceedings maximum. Application fee for the first presentation is 350 TL. For the second, an additional 150 TL must be paid.

6- If used, full versions of abbreviations must be clarified in parenthesis.

7- Proceedings must refer to the statement, the research method, the findings and results of the study.

8- At least 3, at most 5 keywords must be given. 

9- Please contact kapsosbil2024@nevsehir.edu.tr for your questions.

Please see the proceedings sample here

Please see full text sample here